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Lamar Robotics also known as the DiscoBots are an organization that brings together students. And teachers who love technology and science. The club was formed in 2007. There are thirty two students in the club who come from six different countries with ages varying from 13 to 19 years old. In 2009, all three of the VEX robots qualified for wolrd championship with different awards. Texas Lone Star Regional Champions and have won over 5 different awards! .
VEXIQ - Add It Up. We are the DiscoBots FIRST and VEX team based in Houston, Texas. Our team number is 2587 and we work with Lamar and Carnegie Vanguard High School. We were founded in December of 2007, and ever since we have been working hard to bring together students, teachers, and mentors who love technology. Ported to Drupal by Drupalizing.
Postavy minulého ročníku Slavnosti masek ožily při příležitosti veletrhu Regiontour, aby pozvali návštěvníky na letošní ročník festivalu Divadelní svět Brno. Ročník 2012 - Miloš Forman l Divadlo a film l 60. To bude Mezinárodní festival Divadelní svět Brno 2012! Divadelní svět 2011 očima Jindřicha Štreita.
Thanks, Amsterdam DjangoCon Europe 2011 was a blast! Join us next year in Switzerland for DjangoCon Europe 2012. DjangoCon 2011 is Over! DjangoCon Europe 2011 was a wild success, with over 200 attendees, lots of great talks. DjangoCon Europe will be held next year in Zurich, and is being organized by the fine folks at Divio. The European Django community would like to welcome you to the city of Amsterdam for DjangoCon Europe 2011.
Instalacja artystyczna w ramach projektu. Mały Rynek, 7 15 maja 2011. Interaktywna wystawa promująca dziedzictwo regionu, która będzie prezentowana w sercu Krakowa przed tegorocznym weekendem z zabytkami stanowi zapowiedź i intrygujący wstęp do udziału w XIII edycji Małopolskich Dni Dziedzictwa Kulturowego. Zrealizowana w formie instalacji artystycznej, w ciekawej bryle rzeźbiarskiej.
Raquo; zu den aktuellen Wetterinformationen powerd by www. 3 Tage Party beim größten Open Air Festival Europas mit freiem Eintritt. Bürgermeister Häupl besucht die neue Sicherheitszentrale. Donauinselfest so sicher wie noch nie. Es war sooo unglaublich geil! .
Soutěž o nejkreativnější přístup! Soutěž o zelené kilometry. Podpořte zaměstnance v dojíždění na kole. Zapojte se i na Facebooku. Ve stylu četníků ze St.